RapidWeaver puts you in control of your website. Squash 2 for Mac. Say hello to the sweetest image compression app on the Mac. Squash will save you time. Rapidweaver 8 is a package for the Mac. While there are no massive improvements in this version over previous versions, Rapidweaver remains a good value piece of software that enables anyone to build and update websites without using any code. Options for customization also make the Rapidweaver package suitable for more advanced designers.
The Most Powerful Web Form Creation Tool for RapidWeaver®
DOWNLOAD FREE DEMONow with macOS Catalina Support
What's New! in Formloom 4
Rapidweaver 7 7 5 24
- UNLIMITED Sites / Forms 🔥
Vicinity 1 1 2 download free. Unlike other web form 'services', you can use Formloom on all your web sites! There is no limit to how many forms or web sites a single copy of Formloom 4 will work with.
- Multi-Step Forms 🔥
Got a super long form? Well now you can break it up into multiple steps.
- Rules 🔥
Hide and show items based on the values of other items. Powerful conditionals are now in Formloom.
- Data Tables 🔥
Built in support to view and filter through data submitted into MySQL.
- New Input Types
We have added a bunch of new input types , including..
- Date Range
- Time Range
- Date-Time Range
- Signature
- Star Rating
- Range Slider
- Currency
- Security Question
- Mail Preview
Deliverance. Preview how your emails will look directly inside Formloom 4.
- Better Email Design
Formloom's new Email HTML wrapper will make any email look like a professional designed it.
- reCAPTCHA v.3 Support
Make sure humans are filling out your forms, not bots using the new invisible reCaptcha v.3
- Font Awesome 5
Complete Font Awesome 5 support for placing over 1400 different icons in your input fields.
- Darknesss!
Formloom 4 supports the new Mojave Dark Mode in RapidWeaver 8.1+
- Persist Data
Tell your form to hold on to input entries until the form is complete. Even when the page gets reloaded by mistake.
- Included Formloom Helper Stack
Using the Formloom 4 Helper Stack, you can now include any Formloom 4 form into any Stacks page.
- Added Style Settings
Design your form by choosing the colors, font and font sizes for your form.
- Improved UX
Things are looking really nice with the addition of full-screen functionailty, cleaner layout and retina optimized UI.
- Plus much more..
There are just too many things to list them all here.
Standard Features
Rapidweaver 7 7 5 2 Puzzle Move One
- Totally Responsive
Formloom 4 has been completely rebuilt to output Mobile-First, Responsive HTML. Have no fear loading your forms on a phone, tablet or any mobile device.
- User Login
Password Protect your forms.
- Receipt Files
Attach files to receipts.
- Styled Form Breaks
Styled blocks of text inside your form.
- Validation Rules
Make sure you are getting the info you need with the many validation options.
- Required
- Email Validation
- URL Validation
- Date Validation
- Alphanumeric
- Value Equal To..
- Min Length
- Max Length
- Min Value
- Max Value
- Drag-Drop Templates
Easily create custom formatted emails using new drag and drop placeholders.
- Options Import
Quickly import options via CSV file.
- DKIM Support
Provide added validation for emails sent from your Formloom form using DKIM.
- Custom Classes
For all the power CSS users out there, we provide ability to add custom classes to your form inputs.
- Block Trouble Makers
Security feature allows you to block form submissions from specified email addresses and IP addresses.
- Tooltips
Place hover-tooltips on your inputs and position them to the top, letft, right, bottom and more.
- Masking Support
Make sure input data s formatted exactly how you need it by using the new masking feature.
- Multiple Recipients
Add multiple To, Cc, Bcc and Reply-To addresses.
- RapidWeaver Friendly
Seamless integration with Rapidweaver and your existing Rapidweaver based site.
- Customizable Appearance
Choose from hundreds of RapidWeaver themes to skin your form.
- Formatting
Flexible form layout and presentation options.
- Self Contained
Formloom has all you need to create ultra-kewl forms.
- Preview First
Preview your form prior to publishing.
- MySQL Support
Save your user's input directly to a MySQL database.
- Google Sheets Support
Save your form input directly to a Google Sheets (spreadsheet).
- Email Templates
You decide how emails are formatted via templates.
- Localized by You
Formloom lets you change the text values on everything.
- Locked Down!
Filter out possible malicious form injections.
Rapidweaver 7 7 5 2 5
RapidWeaver® is a Registered Trademark of Realmac Software Limited.